Athena's Daughters

One of my more amazing writerly-friends, Janine Spendlove, is starting something amazing. It's called Athena's Daughters: Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy. It's an anthology of short speculative fiction by some of the greatest women writers. In fact, every single bit of the anthology is by women. She and the other founders are running a kickstarter campaign to raise money to make this dream real. It's like out of a Christmas feel-good movie. They blew past their first goal and are well into their stretch goal. Part of the reason they're doing so well (aside from the kick-a## concept) is that they have these amazing perks for giving. Everything from free copies of the anthology to original art work to being written into novels as a character. So if you've ever wanted to be a patron of the arts, or give the gift to creation to a friend, this is your chance.


More later,
